Determinants of Breast pain in Breastfeeding Mothers in the Area of Karang Anyar Community Health Center, South Lampung District, Indonesia
Nipple pain during breastfeeding significantly impacts the emotional well-being, daily activities, and sleep patterns of mothers, increasing the risk of early breastfeeding cessation and postpartum depression. Previous studies have reported high prevalence rates of nipple pain among breastfeeding mothers in various countries. This study aims to identify the factors contributing to nipple pain, utilizing a cross-sectional design and Shomers's statistical test. Nipple pain severity was assessed using visual analog scores, with nipple lesions, latch-on techniques, nipple shape, and maternal parity as independent variables. The results demonstrate strong positive associations between nipple pain and nipple lesions (P value 0.000, r = 0.866), latch-on techniques (P value 0.000, r = 0.629), and nipple shape (P value 0.001, r = 0.341). However, there is no significant correlation (P value 0.132) between nipple pain and maternal parity (r = -0.182). To promote successful breastfeeding, healthcare facilities should prioritize the provision of education on proper breastfeeding techniques, pain prevention and management strategies, and solutions to address the unique challenges faced by breastfeeding mothers.
Key word:
Nipple pain
Nipple trauma
Nipple Shape
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