Water is the need of every creature on earth, and also very crucial in the irrigation sector. On this basis, this research was conducted to evaluate the performance of the Ngaglik I Irrigation Area Kediri Regency, especially in the sector of water demand and availability. This study aims to determine the maximum and minimum values of irrigation water needs and to compare the availability of existing water with water needs. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method, on an area of 18 ha the research begins with data collection, investigation and documentation, then proceeds to data processing to calculations using the manual method referring to the KP 01 concept. The results of the calculation analysis obtained a maximum irrigation water requirement of 0.687 l/sec/ha and the minimum requirement is 0.027 l/sec/ha. In the calculation, it was found that in June there was an imbalance between the need and the availability of existing water, where the water demand was 0.012 m3/sec and the available water was only 0.011 m3/sec, as well as the debit 0 that occurred in August to November the impact of the dry season coupled with the condition of buildings and irrigation channels that were not optimal. The alternative for problems in June is to use a rotational system of water distribution which is divided into 2 groups. Calculation of the planned discharge obtained Q100% (all groups are given water continuously) of 17.24 l/sec/ha and Q50% (1 group is given water while 1 other group is not) of 8.62 l/sec/ha, irrigation is carried out take turns every 3 days 12 hours. And need some repairs and optimization must be carried out for both buildings and irrigation channels so that the irrigation irrigation system can run well and maximally especially in the dry season (August to November).
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