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Author Guidelines
A. Articles must be original and have not been published in other publishing media.
B. Title : Avoid writing the title in all caps.
C. Author's identity:
- Author's name, no need to include title
- Include the address of the institution
- Include the author's email address
- Submit writings that are in accordance with the provisions of the environmental style in this journal.
D. Abstract consists of 100 – 200 words written in one paragraph, followed by keywords (keywords). Abstract contains background of writing, discussion, and conclusion. If it is the result of research, it must contain the research methods and results.
E. Contents of the article:
- Has relevance to the needs of the teaching and learning process in the fields of social science, public administration, communication and political science, government science and International Relations
- Closely related or in accordance with the scientific field that has been mastered by the author, whether in the form of theoretical, methodological writings, summaries of research results.
- Pay attention to the objectivity of the substance and scientific principles.
F. Writing Techniques:
- In writing articles, avoid using dot points, alphabetizing, like this:
- ..............
- ..............
- But it is better to write as follows:
1) ...............................
2) ...............................
- numeric (or alphabetical) format that separates chapters/sections, or marks new chapters/sections.
- Use running notes
.............................. (Dalman, 2014:12).
Siagian (1973:201) explain .......................
.................................. (Indirasardjana, dkk., 2016: 34)
- Conclusions are not detailed in points but in the form of paragraphs
- The bibliography uses the "name-year" system, in alphabetical order of family name (last name).
Siagian, S.P. 1973. Filsafat Administrasi. Jakarta: Gunung Agung.
Silalahi, Ulber. 2011. Asas-Asas Manajemen. Bandung: Refika Aditama.
- Provisions on how to write a bibliography:
Chear, A. & Agustina, L. 2010. Filsafat Administrasi. Jakarta: Gunung Agung.
Silalahi, Ulber. 2011. Asas-Asas Manajemen. Bandung: Refika Aditama.
Ismani, Saiful. 2004. ”Restrukturisasi Organisasi dalam Rangka Reformasi Administrasi Pemerintahan Daerah”. Dalam Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik, Vol. V No. 1, September 2014. hal. 85—107.
On line
Harold, M. 2011. Administrasi Pembangunan. Online.http// Diunduh tanggal 25 Februari 2015.
G. Editor:
- The right to edit the article without changing the content and the author's main idea
- Do not return articles that are not fit to load
- Before the manuscript is loaded, the manuscript is first reviewed using the Blind Reviewer method
- Submit articles to the editor of the Public Corner, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Public Administration Study Program, Wiraraja University Sumenep, Jalan Raya Sumenep – Pamekasan Km. 5 Patean Sumenep 69451. Or in soft file format doc. or rtf, via email: