Tingkat Pengetahuan Berhubungan dengan Kecemasan Vaksinasi Covid 19 pada Ibu Hamil di Desa Dukuhmencek
In the previous year of 2019, a new virus called Covid-19 emerged, which had diverse effects on specific groups, especially pregnant women. Implementing medical protocols and vaccination is a crucial preventive measure, but the concerns of pregnant women about vaccination influence their interest. This study aims to understand the relationship between knowledge and anxiety regarding Covid-19 vaccination among pregnant women in the village of Dukuhmencek. The research design was an observational with cross-sectional approach and data were collected through questionnaires, and anxiety levels were measured using the HARS scale on August 15, 2022. A total of 37 respondents were selected as the research sample, using a non-probability sampling technique. Findings indicate that the majority of pregnant women have adequate knowledge about Covid-19 vaccination, with 51.4% of respondents falling into this category. About 32.4% experience mild anxiety levels. The analysis shows a positive correlation between knowledge and anxiety levels related to Covid-19 vaccination in the village of Dukuhmencek.
In order to reduce anxiety among pregnant women regarding vaccination, it is important for them to enhance their knowledge. The better the knowledge, the lower the anxiety levels. Therefore, it is recommended for pregnant women to actively participate in classes organized by local health centers (Puskesmas) in their area.
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