Efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia have been carried out in various ways, but until now there is still corruption in various ways carried out by various institutions. There are several dangers due to corruption, namely the danger to: society and individuals, the younger generation, politics, the nation's economy and bureaucracy. Corruption can harm society because it can damage justice, hinder development, and weaken trust in public institutions. Prevention and prosecution of corruption is an important focus in many countries to ensure good governance and social justice. In Undang-Undang Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes are classified into: harming state finances, bribery, embezzlement in office, extortion, fraudulent acts, conflicts in procurement, gratification. In order to eradicate corruption, it is necessary to carry out integrated enforcement, namely the existence of international cooperation and harmonious regulations.
Robert Klitgaard Desember 2005 kata pengantar Selo Seomardjan Penerjemah Hermojo,
Membasmi Korupsi
Dr. Ruslan Renggong, S.H., M.H., 2016
Hukum Pidana Khusus; Memahami Delik-delik di Luar KUHP
Jeremy Pope Jakarta April 2008, Strategi Memberantas Korupsi
Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
Undang-Undang RI No.31 Tahun 1999
Undang-Undang RI No.28 Tahun 1999
Peraturan Pemerintah RI No.71 tahun 2000
Undang-Undang RI No. 20 Tahun 2001
Undang-Undang RI No.30 Tahun2002
Undang-Undang RI No.25 Tahun 2003

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